
Reddit kotlin
Reddit kotlin

reddit kotlin

My intention is not to create the best App in the world (I can’t do that hahah) but I’ll try to explain Kotlin and it’s main features while developing this app. In the Content section you will have the different Parts and the main topics that are going to be discussing there, each Part will include different Kotlin features. This stories will be separated in different Parts. I hope it will help you to learn this incredible language in the context of Android. Welcome to this series of Stories where we are going to learn Kotlin, a new JVM language, while developing an Android App.

  • Part 11: Continuous Integration with Kotlin (BuddyBuild).
  • Part 10: Kotlin & Dagger 2 (Dependency Injection).
  • Part 9: Unit Test with Kotlin (Mockito, RxJava & Spek).
  • Part 8: Orientation Change (Parcelable & Data Classes).
  • Part 7: Infinite Scroll: Higher-Order functions & Lambdas.
  • reddit kotlin

    Part 4: RecyclerView - Delegate Adapters & Data Classes with Kotlin.Part 3: NewsFragment.kt: Extension Functions, Android Extensions….Part 2: MainActivity.kt: Syntax, Null Safety and more….Part 1: Configuring Android Studio with Kotlin.

    Reddit kotlin